Classroom Management Plan

Room B-25
Classroom Management Plan


Students will be expected to Live the Dolphin Way by following 3 “Be Rules” online, in the classroom, and around campus.  This will ensure a positive learning environment for all students.

  • Be Respectful
  • Be Safe
  • Be Responsible

In addition, our Classroom Rules are as follows:

  1. Listen when your teacher is talking.
  2. Follow directions quickly and quietly.
  3. Respect yourself, others, and your school.
  4. Raise your hand to speak or stand.
  5. Be safe, be honest, and be kind.

I focus on creating a tremendously positive classroom environment where students feel supported and respected, both by me and by their classmates. We celebrate kindness, perseverance, effort, and growth. I have a progressive discipline program that provides both positive and negative consequences for a student’s behavior.  Students who choose to follow classroom rules are rewarded with individual, table, and classroom incentives and privileges.  Those who choose to break rules have progressive consequences.  I feel very strongly about disciplining children in a manner that preserves mutual respect, allows them to maintain their dignity, and promotes positive behavior choices in the future.

Individual Recognition:

  • Verbal praise
  • Positive emails/notes to students/emails home
  • Classroom economy tickets and coupons

Whole Class/Table Groups Recognition:

  • Verbal praise
  • Table Points and Classroom Points (work with our classroom economy to earn individual and group rewards) Points will be given for participation, effort, assignment completion, good listening, cooperation/collaboration, kindness/respect, following directions quickly, etc.  Points can be taken away for unruly/disruptive behavior, not following directions the first time they are given, etc.
  • Classroom parties/activities/coupons


Each day is a “fresh start” in our class.  I will allow an “oops” daily which is a verbal reminder to make a better choice.  If a student continues to make poor choices, the following steps will be followed:

  • Verbal/Visual warning
  • Sign the “Thinking About My Behavior” book and bringing a Behavior Ticket home for parent signature
  • Time out in a buddy classroom and/or writing Student Reflection letter
  • Loss of a classroom privilege
  • Principal/Assistant Principal’s office/Behavior Contract

*In the case of a severe issue in the classroom, student may be sent to office to discuss behavior, with a phone call home to parents. In the case of repeated and/or severe issues, student may be asked to spend time in a buddy class writing a Student Reflection Letter rather than going through previous steps.

Technology Expectations:

Students are expected to abide by the SMUSD Technology Responsible Use Policy at all times.  Students are also expected to remain on the task that has been assigned to them at all times.  They should not search the internet, play games/videos, or work on preferred programs unless instructed to do so.  Any instances of violating these technology expectations will result in a phone call/email with parents and/or administration, writing a Student Reflection Letter in a buddy classroom, and/or loss of access to technology/programs.



I am ALWAYS willing to discuss a student with their parent.  I am usually very busy in the morning preparing for my day, so communication will likely take place after school. Emails are generally returned within 24 hours during the week.  If a parent would like to meet with me, I ask that they email me to set up an appointment: [email protected]

A weekly newsletter highlighting important events, the standards taught that week, upcoming field trips, needs of the classroom, P.E./Music/STEAM schedule, and other reminders will be emailed to all families on Sundays.   Parents are also invited as “Guardians” on Google Classroom so they may be kept informed daily or weekly (their choice) about their child’s current, upcoming, or missing assignments. However, no grades will be given via Google Classroom.