Attendance Policy

Schools now only receive funding for students who are actually in class. Every day a student misses school, even for an excused absence, the school loses about $55 a day in income. We ask that you support our efforts to increase student attendance by:

  • Planning family trips during the school holidays
  • Try to schedule doctor’s or dentist’s appointments after school hours. If the appointment is in the middle of the day, please bring them to school in the morning
  • Allow your child to stay home when he/she has a contagious illness or is too sick to be comfortable at school (i.e. fever, vomiting)

If your child is going to be absent, please telephone the school in the morning the child is absent at 290-2121 ex 4. Our attendance clerk is responsible for contacting the parents of each absent student and your call greatly assists this process. Please be aware that the State of California requires the school to begin notifying parents by letter when three (3) unexcused absences occur.

Should a special situation arise which requires your child to be absent from school for five consecutive days or more, please notify the teacher at least two weeks ahead, and he/she will prepare an independent study contract. This allows the student to stay current with schoolwork and receive credit during their time of their absence.

If a child is absent, it is his/her responsibility to make-up all missed work and return it to school. Ask your child’s teacher for their policy on make-up work and how to arrange to pick up homework for your child.  If your child misses school or any part of the school day for a doctor's appointment, please bring a printed note from the doctor to our front office.

Education Code 490678 and the SMUSD Board Policy 5113 “Absences and Excuses” authorizes teachers to assign a failing grade to any student with more than 10 days of unexcused absences in a semester/trimester. The school must notify the parent, either by written report or by conference, whenever a student is in danger of failing based on unexcused absences.

On-Time Behavior

Our staff cares deeply about every student and wants to ensure that every child has access to learning opportunities every day. This year we are continuing our work together to “Make Every Minute Count.” Teachers plan for every minute in the day for furthering your child’s education experience. One way families can help is to make sure children arrive on-time to school.

Several studies support the notion that on-time behavior in school leads to on-time behavior in the workplace. Additionally, on-time behavior is correlated with proficient to advanced performance in school while pervasive tardiness is correlated with poor performance in school. Arriving late affects a child’s outlook on school and confidence as classmates are already working and learning. We want to work together to continue to improve this at our school, helping children to develop healthy, happy habits. Please plan with your family to arrive on-time to school every day, helping in Making Every Minute Count.

Early Pick-ups

We encourage all families to pick up students when the bell rings at the front of the school, but we understand that there are times when appointments require early pick-ups. Missing 10 minutes a day either tardy in the morning or being picked up early in the afternoon adds up quickly.

Please help us in a Win-Win…more time in school=more learning for children! Thank you for Making Every Minute Count!

In the event that you do need to pick up your child early, please follow the procedures below:

-- Pick up your child in the office. The front office staff will call the student from the room.

-- Any adult picking up children early must show proper identification before any child will be released. Please arrive with proper identification.

-- If a neighbor or relative is to pick up the child, we must have written permission and it is imperative that the adult picking up is on the child’s Emergency Card.

-- Please discuss with your child the importance of remaining on the school grounds at all times. No student is allowed to leave without parental permission and office approval.

-- While we know appointments may sometimes warrant early pick-up, please help to keep time out of school to a minimum, Making Every Minute Count.

-- There will be no student check out during the last 20 minutes of the school day. This will help to improve consistency at the end of the school day, and maintain safety and efficiency in our office. 

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