Dear LCM Parents and Students,
My name is Keith Ball, and I am the music teacher here at La Costa Meadows (LCMs) and the Safety Patrol Coordinator. for the 2023–24 school year. Safety Patrol is a leadership position reserved for responsible student leaders who wish to help maintain school safety.
To be in Safety Patrol, you must be able to serve on a three-week rotating schedule. During each three-week rotation, students will be on duty daily (before or after school) helping keep our campus safe. Safety Patrol will either be in the morning (AM shift) or the end of the school day (PM shift). After each group finishes their three-weeks of scheduled Safety Patrol, they will then be off for 6 weeks, while the other two groups do their rotations.Please try to plan your safety patrol weeks by selecting a group number (#) that fits best with your vacations and other plans.
Please Make sure to select AM or PM shift for your student when you sign up and choose your group thoughtfully. Parents should be careful to consider what will work best for your family’s schedule and transportation needs. Below are some of the pros and cons to consider when selecting the AM/PM shift.
Pros and Cons to consider about AM or PM shifts: AM shifts may be difficult with carpools. Students must arrive at school by 8:05am. We have in the past, been able to put students that carpool together in the same group (usually group #3). After school shifts, or PM shifts, also might not work well with carpools because kids stay at school until 3:30PM (Many parents like this because it avoids the crowded pick-up time).
Students in KOC are ideal candidates for Safety Patrol because they are already at school. However, please make sure to communicate with KOC if your student is going to be on Safety Patrol. Students that are in Kids on Campus will go immediately to KOC following safety patrol.
Students really enjoy being on safety patrol. They will receive a certificate for their work at the end of the year and can attend two Safety Patrol parties.If your student is interested in joining Safety Patrol, please turn in a permission slip at the end of the year. For example, we will be accepting permission slips in April for the 2024-25 school year. student applications include: 1) application, 2) teacher referral and 3) their personal letter stating why they wish to be on Safety Patrol. Training will take place the first week for each group.
Safety Patrol is a great character-building opportunity and is important for the safety of our school. If your student is interested in signing up for Safety Patrol, please pick-up an application from school and return it to Keith K Ball, our Safety Coordinator. We will announce when the applications are available.
I am looking forward to working with your student this year to help keep LCM safe.
Keith K Ball
Safety Patrol Coordinator/Music Teacher
La Costa Meadows Elementary
[email protected]
(760) 420-4501 cell
(760) 290-2121, x3340
I grant permission for my student to be part of Safety Patrol and believe my child would be great for this opportunity and handle the responsibility successfully. (Please notify KOC if your student attends).
_____ AM or PM shift is fine and will work with our family’s schedule.
_____ PM only, after school shifts - leave class 5 minutes early, starts at 3:05
_____ AM only, morning shifts –Starts at 8:10AM
_____ Please reserve a spot for us in (Any Group), (Group 1), (Group 2), or (Group 3) because we carpool.
_____ My student attends KOC.
Please write legibly : )
_____________________________________ ___________________________________
Student’s Name Parent Name
Teacher’s Name Grade: ____________________________
______________________________________ ___________________________________
Parent Signature Contact Parent Email Address
Contact Parent Telephone number: __________________________________________________
Thank You for helping keep LCM safe and serving your school and community,
Keith K Ball
Music Teacher/Safety Patrol Coordinator
La Costa Meadows Elementary
(760) 290-2121, X3340
(760) 420-4501 Cell
[email protected]