Welcome to 3rd Grade

 Welcome to Third Grade

August 20, 2024

Dear Families,                                                                                                     


I would like to welcome you and your child to third grade! I am looking forward to a busy, memorable, and exciting year of school and academic growth and achievement. I would like to share some basic information to help start the school year. More detailed information will be included in my Back to School Night presentation.

Our Third Grade schedule is similar to your child’s schedule from last year. Our recess time is in the morning from 10:20-10:40 AM, if you would like to send a snack for your child. Due to allergies, our classroom is a "Nut-free" zone. In addition, please send in a labeled water bottle to be used during P.E. and throughout the day. For easy identification, please write your child's name or initials on the water bottle. 

All of the basic classroom supplies that each student needs (pencils, crayons, paper, etc.) are provided by the school district. I have also personally purchased additional  supplies for the beginning of the school year, so that the students are prepared for the first day of school. I have individual boxes with supplies for each child.  If a parent/guardian wishes to voluntarily donate additional items, please consider donating a gift card to Target or Amazon for additional supplies needed throughout the year. I also have some classroom supplies listed on our class webpage under School Supplies and on Mrs. Karl’s Amazon Wish List. The link is included here and is also posted on our webpage. I greatly appreciate any donations to the classroom that we receive. 

Each child is encouraged to bring in their own set of headphones and a mouse (optional) to be used with the classroom Chromebooks throughout the year. This item needs to be labeled with your child's name and will be stored at school. I do have some headphones students may borrow if they do not have their own.

My goal every year is to use less paper. I always strive to be more “green”, so I will continue to rely on our class email to inform parents of upcoming events. Our Third Grade team also sends out a digital monthly newsletter with upcoming information.

Please visit our class website located on our school webpage. Our school website is La Costa Meadows Elementary (smusd.org) Then click on Our School tab, and 3rd Grade. You may click on my website to find information directly related to our class. Please pay special attention to the following information on our class webpage:

  • Back to School Information
  • School Supplies

Our Schedule:

8:45 AM        Start time

10:20-10:40 AM Recess 

11:45-12:30 PM Lunch

3:10 PM        Dismissal (Mon, Tue, Thurs, Fri)

2:10 PM        Dismissal on Wednesday 


I am looking forward to meeting everyone at Back to School Night. All first through third grade parents meet on Thursday, August 22nd from 5:00-5:45 PM with their classroom teacher in their child’s classroom. We are located in room C-31 in the C building, located on the 2nd floor. Please plan to come – you’ll get important information about your third grader’s curriculum. Also, remember that this is a meeting for teachers and parents only (no students or siblings). 


I am looking forward to our partnership this year!.



Mrs. Karl


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