First Day of School

Welcome to Mrs. Dalmacio's First Grade Class

The first days of school are a fun and exciting time for students. It also represents a big change for them – they are experiencing a full day of school for the first time, making new friends, meeting a new teacher, and learning procedures and school behavior all over again.
Teachers and staff will greet students on the first day of school in the breeze-way. Students will have the opportunity to play and then we will meet on the B-14 dot when the bell rings. I will be there to walk them to our classroom and we will begin our day!

Recess and Lunch:

The first grade schedule includes lunch held at midday (11:00-11:45) and recess held during midafternoon (1:15-1:35PM). Because of this schedule, please communicate to your child the difference between the food packed for lunch and the food packed for recess. Many first graders end up eating their entire lunch during lunchtime and have nothing left over for recess. Please tell your child that you will draw a "happy face" on the snack that is supposed to be brought out to recess. Placing a happy face on their snack will remind them of your conversation and will help your student feel successful during the first couple days of school.

Parent Contact Information:
Please fill out the Parent Contact Information Form Both the Room Mom(s) and I will use this document to keep in touch with you all. Parents that fill it out always feel in the loop.

Parent Pick Up:

Please make sure your iSchool Ride is up to date and your child is listed as a First Grader.
If your child is walking home with an older sibling or peer, they can meet the class at our dismissal spot on campus and I will release your child.  

Important Dates:
August 17th- Back to School Night
5:00-5:45 PM 4th-5th Session
5:50-6:10 PM Admin/PTO Session in MPR
6:15-7:00 PM 1st-3rd Session

Looking forward to the best day ever with your child!

Mrs. Dalmacio 


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