Absences and Tardies

Attendance Line: (760) 290-2121 ext. 4 (24 hour voicemail)

Absences/Extended Absences

Notify us each day that your student is absent by calling the Attendance Line.
State Law requires regular and punctual student attendance.

Education Code 49067 and SMUSD Board Policy 5113 "Absences and Excuses" authorizes teachers to assign a failing grade to any student with more than 10 days of unexcused absences in a trimester. The school must notify the parent, either by written report or by conference, whenever a student is in danger of failing based on unexcused absences. Should a situation arise which requires your child to be absent from school 5 days or more, please notify the front office and your child's teacher in advance. An Independent Study Contract will be sent home with your child to complete during the absence.

Tardy Procedures 

Late students must first report to the attendance clerk in the front office for a tardy pass before going to their classroom. The start of the school day is one of the most important times of the day! Please ensure that your student arrives to school on time every day!

Change of Address or Telephone Number

If you change your address, telephone number or need to update your emergency contact information, please notify the office immediately. In the event your child becomes ill or injured, it is imperative that we have current information.

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