Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Information about the IEP process:

An Individualized Education Program (IEP) will be developed if it is determined that your child is eligible for special education services. The IEP team includes the parent(s) or legal guardian(s), the student as appropriate, a special education teacher, a general education teacher if your child does or may participate in the general education curriculum, an administrator who is authorized to approve services, and others as appropriate. An IEP meeting will be held at least once a year to review the IEP document.

The written IEP document will include:

1. A summary of your child's present levels of performance, including his or her strengths and needs.

2. A statement of the suggested goals for your child.

3. A list of special education services which are recommended for your child.

4. The starting date and anticipated duration of special education services.

What are procedural Safeguards: 

This information provides you as parents, legal guardians, persons authorized to make educational decisions, and surrogate parents of children with disabilities from three (3) years of age through age twenty-one (21) and students who have reached age eighteen (18), the age of majority, with an overview of your educational rights or procedural safeguards. This notice is also provided for students who are entitled to these rights at age 18. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA) requires that you be provided a Notice of Procedural Safeguards once per school year.


Parent participation is one key to developing appropriate special education services for your child.

The following are some tips on how parents and legal guardians can best participate:

  • BEFORE THE MEETING. Before the meeting, you may want to discuss any questions or suggestions you have regarding your child's educational goals, health, transportation, and schedules, and your knowledge of your child's needs and strengths with the IEP team leader. You may want to invite other individuals who know your child to attend the meeting with you.
  • DON'T BE RELUCTANT TO ASK QUESTIONS. If the other IEP team members use terms that you are not familiar with, be sure to ask for an explanation
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