Wellness Policy

Our district has had a Wellness Policy in place, and as a school, we have moved closer and closer to eliminating sugary treats from lunches and classroom celebrations. However, this year, we will be focusing even more to ensure that all classroom celebrations include only healthy choices for our children. While classroom holiday celebrations will continue with healthy food/drink options only, we are working toward promoting non-food birthday celebrations. Please see the attached information with Healthy Birthday Ideas.

Our district’s Wellness Policy teaches our students the important message of leading a healthy lifestyle as too many empty calories can cause obesity as well as other health problems. Additionally, many of our students have food allergies, so in an effort to make healthy eating a ‘habit,’ please read the lists of snacks and beverages that meet our district Wellness Policy. Please communicate with your child’s teacher prior to bringing any food items or birthday items to the classroom.

Foods and Beverages that meet our policy guidelines:

Fresh fruits and vegetables

Dried fruits

Fruit snacks

Canned fruits



Low fat bakery items (bagels and muffins)


Graham crackers/Goldfish crackers

Yogurt covered raisins

Frozen juice or fruit bars


Fruit based and vegetable based drinks


Electrolyte replacement drinks

Not Allowable Items:
Sodas, candy, gum, fried chips, food at birthday celebrations

Our PTO is collaborating with us to promote healthy choices as well. Friday afternoons (in the summer and spring) will now feature juice bar sales for our students. Additionally, we’d like to ask that parents be mindful when purchasing items from our coffee cart on Friday flag salute mornings. Coffee cart items are for parents, and not meant for students. Thank you so very much for your synergy with this.

We are grateful to our families for making sure our students are as healthy as they can possibly be!


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